Monday, December 7, 2009

Free Agent Status!

I auditioned for Hale Center Theater this past weekend. I was excited when I got callbacks. I went into callbacks on Monday evening and I had quite the experience there. It was amazing. For starters, I have never been around so many talented singers before in my life. HOLY COW!!! I am incredibly flattered that they would even consider me to be somewhere around that level. Just to give you an idea of the caliber of singers that were there, I sat next to Rigoletto. FREAKING RIGOLETTO!!! That's right, the "You sing like a goat" guy.

Second, I realized that I have a lot to learn about performing, and especially performing under pressure. The nice lady sitting on the other side of me was very kind and would tell me every so often "Relax :D" I was trying to hide it so well too.

In any case, this means I'm a free agent. There are a few other plays I might audition for, and we'll see if I can get into any of those. I have alot of time next semester, so I will try to get into something. If not, I guess I could always... *gasp* DO HOMEWORK!!!


Melisa Grace said...

YOU sat next to Rigoletto?!!! That's awesome.. did you know that in one of the temple movies he plays Peter... yep.. that's awesome too!

Sarah said...

I would have started humming the music box song.